Dos and Don’ts during pregnancy
When a woman makes the grand and joyous announcement of her pregnancy, she is immediately showered with a torrent of advice from everyone
When a woman makes the grand and joyous announcement of her pregnancy, she is immediately showered with a torrent of advice from everyone
In the previous blog, we touched upon the importance of applying reason and common sense before following an advice. More important is the need to talk to a qualified medical specialist. In fact, there are universally approved and accepted guidelines that ensures good health for both mother and the newborn. Dos Mix the type of…
DetailsNature has ensured the design of female body is conducive for childbirth. However, nature can only do so much. Women have to be responsible and take initiatives to be well prepared for pregnancy and its aftermath. Eating right and regular exercise
The importance of exercise for women needs to be stressed in the strongest terms. The reason being, women tend to consider performing chores as a substitute for exercise, which is a conjecture. Various studies have suggested that there is no alternative for routine exercise. Taking a brisk walk during the day or practicing Yoga regularly…
DetailsWhen 2 people get married, they do so with lots of hopes and dreams. One of which is that of parenting. It starts an eternal period in a couple’s life where they selflessly dedicate their collective days and nights towards the upbringing and well-being of their off springs. This, as any parent would agree, is…
DetailsFirm Hospitals is once more the reason behind someone’s smile. And this time, what we have achieved is nothing short of extraordinary. One of our patient, who has had 5 failed IVF in various centers during her lifetime came to us wanting to have a baby in her post-menopausal age of 52, Although challenging, we…
DetailsSuccess is a vehicle which moves on a wheel called “HARD WORK” But the journey is impossible with out fuel called “SELF CONFIDENCE” The spring is here, young and beautiful as ever, and absolutely shocking in its display of reckless maternity; but the Judas tree will bloom for you on the Bosphorus if you get…
DetailsWhen Douglas visited us with an unwanted guest by the name of Mr. Gigantic Broad Ligament lodged into the pouch, stubbornly occupying his entire pelvis
Your feedback keeps us going The best thing about being a doctor is the mélange of emotions you get to experience in the span of a single day. This scenario is further augmented if you happen to be responsible for the well-being of a mother and her motherhood. Because it’s where one gets to experience…
DetailsFirm Hospitals Laparoscopic centre is committed to provide excellent and compassionate health care ranging from simple to advanced laparoscopic surgeries. It is well equipped with state of the art technology gadgets to make the procedure simple and safe.
Health care industry in India has been undergoing a much needed revolution, thanks to the government’s extended fiscal and regulatory assistance. Known for its widespread infant mortality rates and communicable diseases such as malaria and AIDS, India has slowly emerged out of this unwanted stigma mainly due to the conscious efforts of its citizens and…