In today’s fast paced world of crushing deadlines and promises to keep, women often tend to overlook their health. There are vulnerabilities in everyone’s life and a woman is no exception. She performs multiple roles as a caring mother to her daughter, a doting wife to her husband, a complete caretaker at home and an astute professional at the workplace. She deserves complete care in case of health complications and we at Firm Hospitals are here to provide you just that. Firm is one among the best fertility hospitals in Chennai. Firm Hospitals is the only place in Chennai where both Laparoscopic Surgery and Fertility treatment are done by the same doctor – Dr.Mala Raj. Being a woman herself, she looks into the pain of the patients and provides them the best treatment and care.
The uterus is a very important body of the female anatomy. It is the house of nourishment of the young fetus that is taking shape to face the world. Laparoscopic surgery for uterus is one among the flagship procedures done by doctors of Firm Hospital, and it is one of the safest procedures as well. This surgery is minimally invasive and incisions in the stomach are hardly an inch long. Laparoscopic procedures have gained public acceptance in today’s world and are now used for a wide range of procedures, including the ones that needed open surgeries, such as removal of fibroids, cysts, uterus, tubal pregnancy and in some cases to find out the cause of Infertility.
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy is one of the most precise procedures in the medical world and Dr. Mala Raj is an experienced veteran in this domain. With her astute skill and expertise and the able assistance of her handpicked team of doctors, she performs such complicated procedures with ease and pin-point precision. In this procedure, the entire uterus is removed laparoscopically along with suturing which is also done laparoscopically. The procedure is advantageous on many fronts for the patient as there is less pain, faster recovery and minimal blood loss. The patient can be out of the bed the very next day and her normal activities can be resumed in a week or ten days’ time. Working women can get to work in a couple of weeks post this surgery.
As a hospital, we are committed to serve our patients with the best fertility doctors in Chennai, and we have helped innumerable women conceive with the procedures at the Firm Fertility Centre. It is an active wing of Firm Hospitals and we offer treatments such as controlled ovarian stimulation, intrauterine insemination, and in vitro fertilization among others. The success rate of the procedures are highly satisfactory and testimonials of several happy mothers will prove just that.
Firm Hospitals – The name that infuses trust. Visit our hospital for an appointment.