In 2014, nearly 15% of the Indian population, both male and female, were infertile, according to statistics. Factors like working style can cause infertility in both men and women who live in the city. In men, infertility is predominantly due to inebriation, lifestyle and environment, where as in women, disorders like polycystic ovaries or PCD are the major cause for infertility.
A common misconception is ‘virile men are fertile’. There is no correlation between fertility and virility. Another common misconception is that a ‘mismatch’ between the blood groups of a couple trying to have a baby, can cause infertility. Experts say, another reason why infertility is on the raise in women today, is because they are waiting until older to have a baby now more than ever. However infertility can be a problem for any woman, whether she is young or old, single or married.
Some of the main reasons apart from stress and unhealthy lifestyle habits are not ovulating; blocked fallopian tubes; poor egg quality and endometriosis. In some cases, there is no reason for infertility and is called ‘unexplained infertility’. Fortunately there are many treatment options, even for ‘unexplained infertility’. Let us take the metro Chennai for instance, the best fertility centre in Chennai offers controlled Ovarian Stimulation, Intrauterine Insemination, In Vitro Fertilization (commonly known as Test Tube Baby), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and basic knowledge before starting infertility treatment. The centre comes with the best fertility doctors in Chennai, who understand that the inability to conceive is a difficult time for any couple. They understand the pain infertility can cause and ensure that every treatment and support is personalized to accommodate patient needs. What is more, they are able to resolve all minor problems with laparoscopy so that you can conceive naturally.
In case of advanced fertility treatments, avant-garde centres, like the best fertility centre in Chennai are equipped with latest fertility options likely improving your chances of conceiving. Whether it is an advanced treatment or simple laparoscopy both the husband and wife need to meet the doctors, so they can evaluate the cause of infertility by evaluating both the partners, leaving no room for wrong diagnosis. Thanks to with spectacular IVF & ICSI techniques, fertility doctors in Chennai are all armed to fulfill your heartfelt desire for having a baby of your own.