Couples having difficulty in conceiving, go through major psychological and emotional turmoil. This period is difficult for both man and woman, considering the fragile nature of their relationship. Peer pressure from close friends, relatives and especially from each other only accentuates the situation. During such times, couples find it hard to go through even their daily chores and look for reasons to point fingers at each other.
The tense situation segues into their professional life too. Unable to concentrate on tasks at hand, inability to have a social life, propensity to isolation are the major symptoms that couples encounter.
This situation, if left unchecked, might lead to decrease in displaying respect towards each other, lack of physical embrace and in extreme situation, to domestic violence. At this point of time, the couple begins to consider the possibilities of living together and later decide separation as the only plausible solution.
Which is a shame considering the utmost love, care and affection the couple showcased for each other before the problem surfaced.
As a couple, if you are going through such situation, it is best advised to sit back and retrospect. Remember the love you have for each other is bigger than any problem that you are or might face as a couple. A love, so strong, that it keeps you unfazed when confronted with difficult times.
And the solution? The first and foremost thing that you must do as a couple is to stop the blame game immediately. It’s imperative for each other to realize that neither of you signed for this to happen. Infertility is not a disease. And it’s certainly not a taboo to be feared upon nor it demands and deserves any sort of punishment. It’s something that’s not in your control. The situation is as painful to you as to your partner. Therefore, understanding and being there for each other is the need of the hour.
In the next blog, we will touch upon the topic of the steps you, as a couple, can take, to help give you a better chance of bearing a child.